Friday, January 05, 2007

My Reply to Assemblywoman Vandervalk

Dear Ms. Vandervalk,

I believe the Governor's proposal to cap property taxes at 4% is a good idea and a step in the right direction. Alone it is not enough, because spending is clearly out of control, but at least there could be a reasonable cap on property taxes that is in the realm of actual inflation. I urge you to support this idea if and when it comes up for a vote.

Just so you know, my property taxes in 2000 were around $7200 a year. Although I sold that house in 2005, the current taxes on that property are around $12,000, that's an annual increase of about 11% per year!!!

The 2006 taxes on my current house are $11,600 up $1,100 in just one year or about 10%!!! This is unsustainable for middleclass folks.

Thank you for your hard work and attention to these important matters.


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