Thursday, June 08, 2006

Corzine pledges 100,000 units for needy families

Our illustrious Governor has reaffirmed his vague promise to create or refurbish 100,000 units of affordable housing for New Jersey families. Aside from throwing more money at the problem, he hasn't really said how he's going to do it. That's because he has no idea. Unlike most politicians, here's a guy who actually knows someting about business, he was a big muckety-muck at Goldman Sachs for years. Unfortunately taking office seems to wipe one's mind of any pro market ideas.

How about this: Let's let the people who are ALREADY providing affordable housing (like me) continue to do so by getting the hell out of our way. By getting your hands out of both of our pockets. By ceasing the endless barrage from Trenton of useless legislation that has the opposite of it's intended effect. By ending corruption and waste once and for all so we can actually LOWER property taxes.

Only William G. Dressel, director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities seems to get the joke about property taxes. He said, "The cure is to make New Jersey a more affordable place to live ... Property tax relief is the number one way to provide affordable housing."

I currently pay over $16,000 a year in property taxes for the two small buildings that I manage. Imagine my delight to find out that the local school superintendent, who's total compensation is about $300,000 a year got caught red handed taking a $21,000 "business trip" to London at the taxpayers expense.

Yo Gubna! Cut government waste & corruption and excessive legislation and let the landlords do what they do best.

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