Sunday, December 09, 2007

New Jersey's High-Rise Sprinkler Retrofit Proposal

Michael L. Ticktin, Esq.

Chief, Legislative Analysis

Department of Community Affairs

PO Box 802

Trenton, NJ 08625

RE: PRN 2007-297 – High Rise Suppression – Proposed Changes to N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.3, 4.7, 4.17

December 9, 2007

Dear Mr. Ticktin,

I am writing to express my opposition to the above captioned proposal. The negative effect that this proposed amendment will have on housing affordability in New Jersey – on the order of $200-$400 per unit – has been amply communicated to the DCA.

In exchange for a negative affordability effect, only negligible safety increases would be achieved. This proposal clearly runs counter to Governor Corzine’s stated goal of increasing affordable housing in the state.

I am deeply troubled by the fact that this proposal is being driven by the fire sprinkler installer’s union; clearly a self serving conflict of interest. The union members will profit off the backs of New Jersey’s honest landlords and hard-working, working class tenants.

In a testament to this proposal’s ill-considered nature, the strangest of bedfellows, the New Jersey Apartment Association and the New Jersey Tenants Organization, have joined forces to oppose this amendment.

New Jersey is already one of the most unaffordable states in America to live in, let’s not make it any worse. I respectfully request that the Department of Community Affairs not adopt the proposed amendments establishing the retrofit requirement.

Very truly yours,



Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Rosey has been provded with poor information. Fire sprinkler save lives. Tenants of olders buildings deserve the same amount of safety that those that live in newer ones have (all building built in the last twenty years contain fire sprinklers). Its obvious that the majority of the buildings we are talking about here are in older urban areas - the inhabitants, as well as the fire service community that proects thses buildings should not be forced to compromise their safety. As an individual who is very well aware of what the cost wer to retroffit New Jersey dormitories with fire sprinklers, the costs dangled by the Apartment Owners Associcatin of $ 200-400 per month is a scare tactic and has little or no basis. I've read that actual cost AFTER insurace savings are less than $50 per month per unit, with the sprinkler systems actually paying for themselves and then saving the inhabitants money over the life of the property due to the insurace premium savings. ALL tenants in New Jersey deserve the same amount of protection and so do the fire service people who risk their lives daily to protect them.

Rosey said...

1)If it's such a good idea, why does the NJ Tenant's Organization oppose it?
2)If you know so much, why post anonymously?
3) NJAA figures were based on actual quotes to install sprinklers in actual member's buildings.
4) Where will the money come from? The rich landlords of course. Government is great at spending other people's money.
5) More deaths occur in 1-4 family homes than in high rises. Are you going to retrofit every home in NJ? Why not?
6)Retrofitting is disruptive to tenants, and harmful to building structure.
7) Older properties have lead paint and asbestos that if disturbed can be toxic to residents, but while undisturbed are not. This will add significantly to the costs and risks.
8) Your figures are doubtful.
9) Are you a fire sprinkler installer, or a fireman?
10) You own no rental properties.

DW said...

Mercifully, this was shot down!