Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tax Increases Will Kill Business in New Jersey

Governor Jon Corzine
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

March 22, 2006

Dear Governor,

Three of your proposed tax increases will kill business in New Jersey:

1. Sales Tax: Increasing the sales tax will reduce sales, plain and simple. That will drive jobs from New Jersey.

2. Corporation Tax: This will strangle business and drive jobs from New Jersey.

3. Commercial Realty Transfer Tax: Landlords provide affordable housing to New Jersey families that need it. This money could be better spent on capital improvements to multifamily housing and likely would be. Landlords have to make a profit or they will leave the business. Who will be left to provide housing for New Jersey families that need it? The government. We all know how that turns out.

I understand you must balance the budget, but may I suggest spending cuts instead of tax increases?

Thank you for reconsidering these destructive taxes.

Very truly yours,


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